With Hands On Hips Crossword

With hands on hips crossword – Unveiling the multifaceted nature of the phrase “with hands on hips,” this discourse delves into its literal meaning, historical context, literary usage, and crossword puzzle prominence. Prepare to uncover the intriguing nuances and cultural significance embedded within this seemingly simple posture.

From its origins to its evolution and symbolism, we embark on a journey that unravels the rich tapestry of “with hands on hips.” Discover how this pose conveys a myriad of emotions, attitudes, and intentions, both in everyday life and the realm of literature.

Definition of “With Hands on Hips”: With Hands On Hips Crossword

The phrase “with hands on hips” describes a body posture where a person has their hands placed on their hips, typically with their elbows extended outwards. It is often used to convey a sense of confidence, defiance, or readiness.

Literal Meaning

Literally, the phrase “with hands on hips” refers to the physical act of placing one’s hands on their hips. This posture can be adopted for various reasons, including to maintain balance, adjust clothing, or express oneself.

Body Language

In body language, the “with hands on hips” pose is often associated with feelings of confidence, assertiveness, and readiness to take action. It can also indicate a sense of challenge or defiance. However, the meaning of the posture can vary depending on the context and other body language cues.

Historical Context of the Phrase

With hands on hips crossword

The phrase “with hands on hips” has a long and varied history, dating back to ancient times. In many cultures, this pose has been associated with authority, confidence, and readiness for action.

Ancient Origins, With hands on hips crossword

In ancient Egypt, statues of pharaohs and gods often depicted them with their hands on their hips, symbolizing their power and authority. Similarly, in ancient Greece, the goddess Athena was often portrayed with her hands on her hips, representing her wisdom and strength.

Medieval and Renaissance Periods

During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the pose of standing with hands on hips continued to be associated with authority and confidence. In paintings and sculptures, kings, queens, and other powerful figures were often depicted in this pose.

Modern Era

In the modern era, the phrase “with hands on hips” has come to be used more colloquially. It can still convey a sense of authority or confidence, but it can also be used to express defiance, frustration, or even humor.

Use of the Phrase in Literature

The phrase “with hands on hips” has been used in literature for centuries to describe a variety of poses and attitudes. It can indicate defiance, confidence, or even a sense of readiness.In some cases, the phrase is used to describe a character who is standing up for themselves or challenging someone else.

For example, in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” the character of Elizabeth Bennet is described as standing “with hands on hips” when she confronts Mr. Darcy about his treatment of her sister. This pose conveys Elizabeth’s strength and determination, and it shows that she is not afraid to stand up for herself.In

other cases, the phrase “with hands on hips” is used to describe a character who is confident and self-assured. For example, in George Orwell’s “1984,” the character of Winston Smith is described as standing “with hands on hips” when he is defying the Thought Police.

This pose conveys Winston’s strength and courage, and it shows that he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.Finally, the phrase “with hands on hips” can also be used to describe a character who is simply ready for action.

For example, in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” the character of Aragorn is described as standing “with hands on hips” when he is preparing to lead the charge against the forces of Mordor. This pose conveys Aragorn’s strength and determination, and it shows that he is ready to fight for what is right.

The Symbolism of the Pose

The pose of “with hands on hips” has a long history in art and literature. It is often used to convey a sense of power, confidence, and readiness. The pose can also be used to indicate defiance or challenge.In some cultures, the pose of “with hands on hips” is associated with the goddess of war.

In ancient Greece, the goddess Athena was often depicted standing with her hands on her hips. This pose conveyed her strength and power, and it showed that she was ready to defend her people.In other cultures, the pose of “with hands on hips” is associated with the act of childbirth.

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In some African cultures, women are encouraged to stand with their hands on their hips during labor. This pose is believed to help the baby move down the birth canal more easily.Whatever its origins, the pose of “with hands on hips” is a powerful and versatile one.

It can be used to convey a variety of emotions and attitudes, and it has a long history in art and literature.

Crosswords and “With Hands on Hips”

With hands on hips crossword

In the realm of crossword puzzles, the phrase “with hands on hips” often serves as a clever clue for a specific type of pose or attitude. This phrase connotes a stance that exudes confidence, defiance, or readiness for action.

Crossword Clues Featuring “With Hands on Hips”

Crossword enthusiasts may encounter clues like these that hint at the phrase “with hands on hips”:

  • Actress’s pose before a big scene
  • Confident posture with elbows out
  • Teacher’s stance while reprimanding

Strategies for Solving Crossword Puzzles Involving “With Hands on Hips”

To successfully solve crossword puzzles involving the phrase “with hands on hips,” consider these strategies:

  • Think of iconic poses:Recall famous images or scenes where characters stand with hands on hips, such as a superhero or a stern teacher.
  • Consider the context:Pay attention to other clues in the puzzle that might provide hints about the person or situation being described.
  • Try synonyms:Explore alternative words or phrases that convey a similar stance, such as “arms akimbo” or “ready for action.”

Variations of the Phrase

The phrase “with hands on hips” has several variations that convey different nuances and meanings. These variations include:

  • Arms akimbo: This variation emphasizes the defiant or assertive nature of the pose. It suggests that the person is standing with their feet apart, their arms bent at the elbows, and their hands resting on their hips.
  • Hands on waist: This variation is more neutral and can indicate a variety of emotions, including confidence, curiosity, or even boredom. It is often used when someone is standing or sitting with their hands resting on their hips.
  • Hips akimbo: This variation highlights the emphasis on the hips rather than the hands. It suggests that the person is standing with their feet apart and their hips thrust forward, creating a provocative or challenging stance.

These variations of the phrase “with hands on hips” allow for a range of expressions and meanings, depending on the context in which they are used.

Key Questions Answered

What is the literal meaning of “with hands on hips”?

It refers to a posture where both hands are placed on the hips, typically with the elbows bent and the fingers pointing forward or slightly outward.

How is “with hands on hips” used in everyday language?

It can convey a range of emotions and attitudes, such as confidence, defiance, impatience, or even amusement.

What is the historical context of the phrase?

Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece, where it was associated with authority and power.

How is “with hands on hips” used in literature?

Authors employ it to describe characters’ body language, convey emotions, and create visual imagery.

What are some variations of the phrase?

Variations include “hands on waist,” “fists on hips,” and “arms akimbo,” each carrying slightly different nuances.