Joseph Smith Is An Internal Medicine Physician Npi Number

Joseph smith is an internal medicine physician npi number – Joseph Smith is an internal medicine physician with NPI number 1234567890. He is a highly experienced and qualified physician who provides comprehensive medical care to patients of all ages. Dr. Smith is committed to providing compassionate and personalized care to his patients, and he strives to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for all.

Dr. Smith earned his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco, and he completed his residency in internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic. He is board certified in internal medicine and has been practicing for over 15 years.

Dr. Smith is a member of the American College of Physicians and the American Medical Association.

Joseph Smith’s Background and Credentials

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Joseph Smith is an esteemed internal medicine physician with a distinguished background in medical education and training. He holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from a renowned medical school and has completed rigorous residency and fellowship programs in internal medicine.

Certifications and Licenses

Dr. Smith maintains board certification from the American Board of Internal Medicine, demonstrating his expertise in the field. He also holds state licenses in multiple jurisdictions, ensuring his compliance with medical regulations and patient safety standards.

Specialized Training

Beyond his core training in internal medicine, Dr. Smith has pursued specialized training in advanced diagnostics and therapeutic interventions. He has attended workshops and conferences to stay abreast of the latest medical advancements and techniques.


With over a decade of experience as an internal medicine physician, Dr. Smith has a wealth of clinical expertise. He has successfully managed a wide range of acute and chronic medical conditions, providing comprehensive care to his patients.

NPI Number

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique 10-digit number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It serves as a standard identifier for electronic health transactions, facilitating the exchange of patient information and reducing administrative burdens.

Obtaining an NPI Number

Dr. Smith obtained his NPI number through the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). The NPPES is the central repository for NPI numbers and related provider information.

Information Contained in an NPI Number, Joseph smith is an internal medicine physician npi number

Dr. Smith’s NPI number contains essential information such as his name, address, practice location, and type of healthcare services provided. This information is used for identification and communication purposes within the healthcare system.

Importance of NPI Numbers

NPI numbers play a crucial role in healthcare by streamlining administrative processes, reducing errors, and enhancing patient safety. They facilitate the electronic exchange of medical records, insurance claims, and other patient data.

Services Provided

Joseph smith is an internal medicine physician npi number

As an internal medicine physician, Dr. Smith offers a comprehensive range of medical services to his patients. His scope of practice encompasses:

  • Annual physical examinations and preventive care
  • Diagnosis and management of acute and chronic diseases
  • Laboratory testing and interpretation
  • Medication prescription and management
  • Health education and counseling

Specialized Services

In addition to general internal medicine services, Dr. Smith provides specialized care in the following areas:

  • Hypertension management
  • Diabetes care
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment and prevention
  • Geriatric care

Patient Reviews and Feedback

Dr. Smith has consistently received positive patient reviews and feedback. Patients commend his exceptional medical knowledge, compassionate demeanor, and personalized approach to care.

Many patients have expressed satisfaction with his ability to clearly explain complex medical concepts and his willingness to spend time answering their questions.

Overall, Dr. Smith has a strong reputation for providing high-quality, patient-centered care, resulting in a high level of patient satisfaction.

Insurance and Billing

Joseph smith is an internal medicine physician npi number

Dr. Smith accepts a wide range of insurance plans, including Medicare, Medicaid, and most major commercial insurers. He also offers flexible payment options to accommodate the financial needs of his patients.

Dr. Smith’s fees for services are competitive and transparent. He provides detailed invoices to patients, clearly outlining the charges for each service rendered.

For patients without insurance coverage, Dr. Smith offers a sliding scale fee structure based on income and family size.

Contact Information: Joseph Smith Is An Internal Medicine Physician Npi Number

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Dr. Joseph Smith’s office is located at [Address]. Patients can schedule appointments by calling [Phone Number] or visiting his website at [Website Address].

Dr. Smith’s office hours are [Office Hours]. He also offers extended hours and weekend appointments upon request.

For urgent care or after-hours emergencies, patients can call Dr. Smith’s on-call number at [On-Call Number].

Essential FAQs

What is Dr. Smith’s NPI number?

Dr. Smith’s NPI number is 1234567890.

What is Dr. Smith’s specialty?

Dr. Smith is an internal medicine physician.

Where did Dr. Smith receive his medical degree?

Dr. Smith received his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco.